пятница, 22 июня 2012 г.


Las feromonas son un aroma compuesto de moléculas que despedimos de forma natural a través de la piel y de las glándulas sudoríparas, tanto los animales como las personas. Son detectadas por la nariz por el órgano que se ubica allí llamado vomeronasal y el hipotálamo, responsable de la liberación de hormonas.
Esto a quedado de alguna forma escondido y sepultado por todos los productos cosméticos y artificiales que utilizamos hoy en día, incluso al ducharnos y utilizar jabón estamos desechando parte de éste perfume natural que es el responsable de atraer sexualmente a otras personas también, producen un efecto psicológico que contribuye a despertar el deseo sexual y se le atribuyen cualidades como aumentar el buen humor y la sensualidad.
Hay estudios que aseguran que la cantidad de feromonas naturales generadas por el organismo disminuye progresivamente luego de los 20 años.
Los perfumes con feromonas vienen a echarnos una mano en este aspecto y su objetivo es que haciendo uso de ellos podamos resultar irresistiblemente atractivos para otras personas.
En el mercado hay varios y en diferentes presentaciones, desde ambientadores para el hogar, aceites para quemadores hasta perfumes y desodorantes corporales, aceites de masajes con efecto frío o calor y con forma de bolígrafo para llevarlos de forma discreta en el bolso.

La lencería en vida de la mujer

Desde los tiempos remotos mujeres se compiten en su sexualidad para vencer el corazón del hombre. Se ponen trajes y vestidos mas francos, se maquillan y usan todos sus conocimientos sobre amor. Pero al vencer el objeto de tu deseo no hay que olvidar de que detener al hombre resulta mas difícil. Y aquí te ayudara tal secreto femenino como la lencería erótica: Tangas, culotes, conjuntos, Corsés y bodys – en el sex shop podras encontrar todo para satisfacer el gusto del hombre mas experto. Ademas en la lencería erótica te sientes como una actriz del cine X y claro que esto va a animarte durante todo el día cuando nadie lo sabe y durante toda la noche porque tu amante estará a punto de perder la cabeza. Puedes combinarla con pelucas o con joyería intima cada vez asombrando agradablemente a tu hombre y regalando le muchas horas de placer.
No hay que pensar que la lencería esta inventada solo para las mujeres que tienen pareja. Haz un regalo a ti misma: sentirás tu sexualidad y seguridad y así tendrás mas posibilidades para seducir al hombre que te atrae. También nunca sabes como cambiara tu vida. Acaso mañana ya despiertes en la cama de tu destino y en la lencería erótica ya estarás preparada para este acontecimiento improviso. la estructura de la tienda online se puede ver en este enlace.

Masaje de punto G

Mujeres tienen un montón de puntos eróticos, pero todos saben que la mas principal es el místico punto G. Pero el punto no es tan místico como parece, hay que solo saber como encontrarlo. Punto G esta detrás de pubis y tiene un tamaño diferente: desde 5 centímetros hasta moneda de 1 euro. Es mejor buscarla después del acto sexual o estimulando clítoris de la mujer. Así el punto G alcanza el tamaño máximo.
Estimula el punto, presionándolo cada segundo y veras el efecto. No olvides de contemplar las emociones de tu pareja: si le gusta y como le gusta mas. Si quieres provocar mas efecto puedes comprar en sex shop estimulador especial. Con el lograras mas efecto: el orgasmo sera mas intenso y el pacer recibido sera máximo.

También existen vibradores que tienen un mecanismo especial que estimula no solo vagina, sino también punto G. El orgasmo que recibirá tu mujer si ademas de usar este tipo de vibrador, vas a estimular su clítoris sera increíble.

Lubricante y su utilidad

El lubricante es un remedio que humedece órganos sexuales y provee la mejor penetración a vagina femenina. El lubricante se usa si falta lubricante natural de órgano o si no se elabora bastante, cuando vagina esta seca y el acto sexual ya no parece agradable. Puedes aplicar el lubricante a vagina o al pene- como te gusta mas. Existen diferentes tipos de lubricante. Unos tienen un efecto refrescante, otros – calientan a los órganos sexuales. También hay lubricantes con diferentes aromas y puedes elegir el olor que mas te conviene. Ademas los sex shop proponen lubricantes que tienen efecto antiséptico y protegen de las enfermedades de transmisión sexual. Si te gusta el sexo oral, elige lubricante con sabor par hacer el acto sexual mas cómodo y para que cause mas placer. Hay ocasiones cuando el lubricante provoca alergias. Si aparece comezón o cualquiera otra sensación desagradable – deja de usar el lubricante y visita al medico

Some Online Dating Tips

Everyone recognizes that internet dating and escorts are really popular nowadays. The web transformed modern existence, including associations. The days are gone when males and ladies needed to visit pubs and restaurants to locate partners. Today, you'll be able to look for a spouse or perhaps a lover inside a couple of minutes. It is simple. All you need to do is to locate a popular dating site and register. This might seem strange, specifically for men and women without experience of internet dating, however, you'll find 1000's of individuals with identical interests and goals, i.e. individuals who will fall deeply in love with you! You will find many individuals that aren't searching for partnerships and long-term associations. They aren't afraid to confess it. So, you shouldn't be shy too! You will find specialized dating site which individuals visit getting one goal - sex. This really is absolutely legal and doesn't conflict with morality. Join such internet dating sites and revel in existence!

Advantages of internet dating are indisputable. Where else are you able to search for somebody that has identical objectives in associations and existence? The truth is that you could exchange messages along with other folks before organizing conferences. Thus, chances are that might be a soulmate. It's simpler to obtain along with people that such as the same music, movies and select identical life styles. You might join video chats, play games and discuss photos. Actually, large internet dating sites seem like internet sites. Fortunately, you will find many internet dating sites well-liked by people of any age. You'll find sites for mature women, married people, students and teens etc. So, you'll visit sites packed with individuals getting identical life styles and hobbies.

Make certain you utilize search engines like google to locate reliable contactos en valencia. It ought to be pointed out that internet dating could be addictive. Some people start searching for partners and can't come to a decision. Quite simply, they keep trying to find soulmates. Eventually, understand they can't choose. This can be a prevalent problem. On one side, chilling out at internet dating sites is fun. However, you might never look for a partner since you will preserve trying to find the perfect person. Anyway, it can be you.

If you're not familiar with web dating, you might search for assistance at specialized blogs and forums. You will find lots of sites with tips about how to become a specialist in dating. As known, web dating has its own peculiarities. So, you will need some tips about how to grab attention of others. The greatest benefit of associations sites is they are simple to use. Folks with minimal pc understanding will easily create accounts.

It ought to be pointed out that stats reveal that over seventy percent of males and ladies who became a member of internet dating sites eventually arrived at their set goals, i.e. found partners. Many associations led to partnerships. As already stated above, many people don't have such goals. So, they're searching for temporary romances. Frequently, escorts publish their advertisements at internet dating sites, so this is an excellent chance to search for such services there.

Reasons of Popularity of Escorts in Madrid

Males will always be trying to find escorts in Madrid. You will find many escort agencies can be found in Madrid. Though, not every the companies provide top quality escort. However for obtaining the best escort you need to simply use top quality escort directory instead of seeing a small escort agency. By studying the directory correctly, you will get many escorts to select from. The young women mainly act as escort n Madrid. They are simply extremely popular and simultaneously very entertaining. They'll turn your dullest day to memorable one. You should use your directory online. You may also discover probably the most trustworthy online directory. These kinds of sites range from the information of several escorts in Madrid. Thus, it is best to discover the escort through online directory. The most crucial factor about internet is you can discover escort from whenever placed you like. Another essential factor is hat with these kinds of reputed online sites you will get the information of escorts in Madrid. Additionally, you will get details about their availability and costs. They're organized with the buying process which guarantees probably the most desirable escort.

These kinds of escorts in Madrid will be ready to take part in any social event. In addition, you may also hire them web hosting function or family meet up. You're going to get the risk of selecting the very best escort among various escort Madrid. There also exist the options of looking at numerous photos which will very useful at that time you are attempting to select among many escorts. It truly is not important how picky you're because sites feature many escorts of Madrid. It's an ultimate way to achieve very niche and concentrated number of women. For those who have planned to satisfy a youthful lady for date, then this kind of online directory is the greatest option.

These escorts look hot and sexy. These escorts are famous round the Spain capital and they're being indexed by your directory for your benefit. You are able to choose the date that will fit you. Stunning women with great look and personality are indexed by these kinds of sites.

To obtain more details about these escorts in Madrid, you should use internet. Internet is definitely there. You will find some can be found through which you'll collect information and particulars about these escorts. From all of these websites you may also get details about various escort agencies.